Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday Thoughts

Today was a quite easy work day and I had about a million and one thoughts whilst there. Like my brain just kept spinning and thinking of things to do and say and mostly write.

So here I go, writing. I figured I would actually hold tight to one of my goals in this life and blog more. I even set an alarm! And it was an alarm that I couldn't snooze like the one for waking up!

I thought about the dreams I have about really writing a book. And really being published. That would be awesome. Who knows what can happen in a lifetime. I wasn't always bent on being a writer. I wanted to be a marine biologist for the longest, I even went to Eckerd College for a semester. And while there thought I would enjoy anthropology better. Then a threw a wrench in my own plans and ended up back home looking for a job. Found retail and have been in that game for 9 years now. I'm great at it, I can climb up all the ladders within my current company, and only a few years ago did I really consider writing as a career path.
I didn't do anything with my dream for a while and now that I am doing something, (this blog baby) I know that I could be doing more. Thing is I'm still not sure how to really get out and get going.

I know that not everyone knows what to do in the early adult years and so I feel ok in my confusion...but I think I'd be really happy if I stopped doubting myself and just wrote a book, a short story, something! Get that published and see where it takes me.

Until then, I'll write here in my internet diary.

Keep on, keepin' on,


Friday, January 24, 2014

Oh Hey Blog! Been A Bit....

Ok I made resolutions and clearly could care less about them. I am not fully sure on what part of my brain told the other part to kick rocks, but that is mostly my assumption of what happened. Right, so I wanted to get fit (of course), and I have really been eating healthier, but I have yet to properly exercise or ride my Christmas bike. Terrible! Also, making a plan to wake up early......ummmm, no, sorry. I don't know what it making me so awful tired all the time but I do know that when I don't have to work I enjoy sleeping. I earnestly want to get up and be productive and get a good start to the day....but then my pillow and blanket feel the softest and I'm like, oh yea 15 more minutes, sure. And then I wake up 2 hours later feeling overtired. Great, just great.

I also wanted to write once a week! Didn't get that done. I always have cool/insightful/awesome ideas when I'm at work or at the store or driving, and I think, yes I shall write up a little diddy in my blog tonight when I get home. And then either I get caught up in the internet OR I do click on my new blog tab and my brain falls right out and takes a little nap. Thanks brain, good form there.

Suffice it to say, I am trying. I have also failed in the resolution department for January as a whole. Here;s to February and what it might bring.

Keep on, keepin' on,


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Inga Pt. 2

A woman stood in the doorway and as Inga saw her she knew that this was the woman she had been waiting for her entire life. She had an emerald cloak and fiery auburn hair, plaited in multiple braids crowning about her head. She smiled down at Inga with such warmth and love that Inga nearly fainted. 

"Inga!" Her mother peered out of the kitchen and shouted, "Get this woman a chair, help her in! Can't you see her frailty?"

What was she talking about? This mysterious woman looked as strong as Freya!

"She can't see me like you dear Inga," the woman suddenly stated....without moving her lips.

"She sees me as an ancient, gray and hunched over my cane."

Inga obeyed her mother and widened her eyes at the woman. Her head was spinning.

(Sorry so short....maybe 2.5 will happen in a bit :))


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 Needs To Get It Together.

It is only the 7th and I am already hating this year. I haven't started anything from my resolution list and I made a poor choice during the first weekend, making my life right now suck.

Only good thing happening is that I have transferred back to my favorite store which is only 10 minutes from my house :)

Other than that, I am right pissed. I know that on one hand my poor choice is my fault and that I have to work on things internally. On my other hand I really thought 2014 would be an epic year. 2013 had too much bad vibe that I figured this year would be all goodness. I'm 28. 28 year olds should have a better plan. A better outlook. A better brain to tell them to cut the shit sometimes.

I don't even know. Hopefully by the 13th things will get better.

Keep on, keepin' on,
