Thursday, February 27, 2014

Updates, Since I'm A Bit Of A Crap Blogger....

What's happened since I last typed to you on the interwebs? Well, most exciting: Got myself a rad little car!

She's a 2012 VW Beetle and I good not be more over the moon about it. She's so fancy! I am a proper fancy lady now!

Life otherwise is fine, man's doing great. He lost 20 pounds by putting juicing into his daily life! Superb :)

The house front is bleh, as it's officially foreclosed on. Ah well, looking to a new home and new adventure coming up.

But today, and the most of why I am writing a blog (for therapeutic-ness, I guess) is that this afternoon we got a knock from code enforcement! Apparently there have been complaints about weeds and looks and the fact that we never took a Halloween dummy down a couple years back. Side note on the dummy: Some fuck stole the head on it and then stole my bike the same night. You want to talk about a dummy, I'll talk to you about the punk asses that stole my bike! BUT ANYWAY...Some weeds? An old jet-ski? Really people, just FUCK OFF. We don't own this house, and as much as I'd like to be putting some money into landscaping and cosmetic improvements the fact is: This house isn't ours, the owner let the house fall into foreclosure. So now we sit here worrying about how long we have and stressing out. So I say to the people in this neighborhood who want to talk about my god damn lawn, I will spit in your god damn face. Seriously look around at the rest of the mass amount of foreclosures in this suburb and the windows boarded up and the guy with huge chili peppers from Chili's restaurants and the meth heads and pill poppers and then come over here like a damn saint and mighty bitch and tell me to weed my fucking yard.

Bet you won't.

Keep on keepin' on


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Happy Sunday

Hello readers!

So I balanced out the juicing business and made it work better for me. I incorporated it into meals/snacks and bought healthier options and feel wonderful. I also got back on my bike today. Definitely felt that!! I used to ride all the time whenever I could and loved it. Getting back on is a work out for sure. My legs are jelly, but I love it and I will get back to where I was.

The Winter Games have started! This has also weighed on my decision to get fitter. No I won't become a world class athlete haha, but I will say that seeing what they can do with their bodies shows me just how much I haven't done!

Tomorrow I have set 2 alarms to get me outta bed and onto the bike exercising. I look forward to sharing my progress on here.

Keep on, Keepin' on


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Juicing Now. Hating Everything.

No but seriously. I had nothing but juice and water yesterday. Cleansing out the bad in my body will ultimately make me feel better but I want all the chips and cheese and chocolate. The juices I've made are really good and sweet and I like them a lot actually, but what I wasn't prepared for was the fact that telling myself to not eat anything bad(yummy) made my brain go YOU NEED THIS NOW GET PASTA IN YOUR BELLY PLEASE.

Whoa brain calm down.

But I have been good and am on day 2. Drinking a lot more water than yesterday and I think I'll make it all the way to the end :)

Fingers crossed.

Keep on, keeping on,
