Sunday, November 2, 2014

When did November Get Here??

It's November and finally we get a break in the heat! Current temp outside is a breezy 54 degrees!

This has been one of the best Halloween months on record. Between Haunted Hike, our 2nd Annual Halloween party and all our gatherings with friends have been really fun and wonderful. We are already planning out our props and costumes for next year, I'm pretty excited.

On the front burner is Thanksgiving. Why yes folks, there is in fact a holiday between Halloween and Christmas :) We are having a "Friendsgiving" this year and with all the traditional food, I always like to slip in a new recipe. Haven't found the right one, but I'm pinteresting for sure.

On the other front burner is how I can organize my space! We moved here in May and I have A LOT of things still waiting to be unpacked. This could just be an eye opener on what I could purge right out of my life seeing as how I haven't used/looked at these items in 5 months...BUT I know myself and that self is saying oh you know one day I'll need this. Spoiler: I won't.

But that's what's on deck for my Sunday.

Glad I woke up early and gave myself the challenge of writing to you, the internet. Being slightly proud :)

Keep on, keepin' on,
