Thursday, February 11, 2016

When Did It Become February?

So my life has been a bit topsy-turvy as of late. February came in with a bang and a slap and a hell of an attitude. Things are happening that are 1000% out of my control and out of my man's control and only now a week and a half later we have reigned in this crazy. I won't delve into details because for now it's a grey area and I might make a more in depth article/blog when it's properly settled down. Today I just want to say....

To my friends/family:
I'm very thankful for all of you and I appreciate all the kindness and support. I'm sorry that I shut down and I revert back into my little cave of aloneness and I shut everyone out. It happens, it's a defensive trait. I'm reaching out my feelers though and I would like some company very soon :)

To _____:
I miss you and I love you. I'm sad that you are so far away. I'm sad that you can't visit. I'm sad for this whole situation. It's terrible for all parties and I feel that there is some much better solutions than the ones that we are faced with now. I hope you are happy, I guess. I hope you are doing well in school, you are smart as a whip and don't let anyone bring you down. You are a shining little firecracker, don't let anyone burn you out. I hope this finds you somewhere out there, know that you are loved and missed by more than me and whenever you want to come back, we're here with open arms.

That's all for now.

Keep on, keepin' on,


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