Monday, December 16, 2013


A long time past, when magic still lit the way for most people, there was a girl. She was a particularly normal girl, from a normal town carved in the side of a mountain.

Life in the mountain town was a bit tedious, mainly chores and no adventures. The young girl dreamed of more, of being a fantastic explorer and discovering new lands and new seas. Between tending to the garden and the horses the girl would daydream and lose track of chores. Her mum would always find her up in a tree, languidly swinging her leg, an expression of bliss on her face.

"Get down here, Inga! Silly child spending your life in the clouds...There are things to do!"

Inga scrambled down, picked up her basket and continued weeding the vegetable patch. She was a girl of 13, with long raven hair and alabaster skin. She had wild dreams at night of travelling across the world on a viking ship. She thought these could even be visions of her future. Despite the lore and existence of magic in this world, people still feared it. Inga could not share her visions with her family, she had to tell them to the skies and the trees and the horses in the stables.

Spring began to steal away into the harvest season and Inga helped with the canning of the fruits and vegetables. She and her mum were going about their day when a knock came at the door. They weren't expecting any visitors. Who visits the side of a mountain?

"Inga, dear, do get the door. I can't let the berries scald."

Inga went and opened the door. And there was a woman standing there. And Inga knew her life had changed forever.....

Stay tuned for part 2 :)


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