Sunday, December 11, 2016

Retail Rants Part Deux!

Ah hello my friends, we are now in the full swing of the holiday season! December has arrived, trees are up, Santa is in the mall, people are yelling at sales associates! TIS THE SEASON Y'ALL.

Ok so I was sort of hoping this series would not continue but as I've been in retail for 12 years now, I should have known better. As I said in my first rant, the easiest thing to do during the holidays or literally anytime is to be KIND, it's the best four letter word you could pick! And it's absolutely free!

At the mall we are now into extended hours, 9am til 10pm on weekdays and 11pm on weekends, and we are a bit short staffed at the moment so everyone is tired and working double what we ought to. That's not trying to say we need any excuses, but we aren't maybe at our best, but still pretty great. The thing is that whether or not we were at 50, 100 or 1000% I'm certain people would still mess with us. I have 3 mini scenarios  for you:

First, shoplifters need to for real get their lives right. We had an incident where 4 stores were getting hit all at once! We had a manager run over from her store to tell us that people were stealing. That's so outrageous and it isn't like we don't pay attention to shady folks, cause we see you, we are everywhere and we have a pretty good eye for faces. To me shoplifting is so pointless and so rude and whenever we catch someone they want to fight us. So we see you swiping something and walking out and when we inquire about it because you set off an alarm, you want to cause a scene? No, just stop all of this.

Second, I have said this so many times I feel like a broken record but I will say it again for the people in the back: CASHIERS AND SALESPEOPLE DO NOT SET THE RULES/PRICES/SALES. We have a whole set of head honchos and big-wig assistants who set up our whole store. They tell us when to put on a sale, what to put on sale, what to sell those things for and how much of a discount, if any, we can give you for a defect. Say you pick up a shirt and it is $15 and it has a small hole in the seam. We have a set amount (%) we can discount you and a follow up rule to make that item now a final sale item, meaning you can not return it. I will explain this to you as I am ringing you up, thus you will be able to make the choice on if you want to take the discount/item before you walk out of the store and spend money. The rules that I tell you are specific to my store and so when you tell me that the other store down the way would do this for you, well cool, you aren't in that I guess go there because I just laid out the rules for you, here in the store you are currently standing in.

Third, holy crap stop yelling at us and giving us an attitude when you don't exactly get your way. That gets you even less than what you might have gotten to begin with. Didn't any of your mothers tell you that you attract more flies with honey than vinegar?? Because honestly I will go above and beyond for you if you are a nice person. It's that simple and goes along with the kindness vibe.

We are at 2 weeks before Christmas, about to hit super Saturday and then Christmas Eve the following Saturday. I'm sure something wild will happen and I'll fill you in when it does. Until then however....

Keep on, Keepin' on!
